About Us

Chipmunk Chronicles is a brand that pays tribute to the past by telling stories through wearable art that encourages people to dream and achieve. Chipmunk Chronicles started as a t-shirt line paying homage to A Different World, the show that changed the founder's life and inspired the brand. A Different World was a television show that highlighted the lives of students attending an HBCU.

Chipmunk was Dwayne Wayne’s nickname; given to him by his mother played by Patti LaBelle because he had cheeks like a chipmunk. The brand is named Chipmunk Chronicles because to tell Dwayne’s story through the founder's lens, which is depicted in the logo. The logo is a pair of retro flip-up glasses where the top shaded lenses are accompanied with a pair of (C)s for Chipmunk Chronicles and the bottom pair has two (O)s for Omotayo Obayanju so the logo depicts how I feel our lives run in parallel.